Source code for resources.lib.ContentLoader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Module: ContentLoader
# Author: asciidisco
# Created on: 24.07.2017
# License: MIT

"""Fetches and parses content from the Telekom Sport API & website"""

import re
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from datetime import date
import xbmcgui
import xbmcplugin
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

[docs]class ContentLoader(object): """Fetches and parses content from the Telekom Sport API & website""" def __init__(self, cache, session, item_helper, handle): """ Injects instances & the plugin handle :param cache: Cache instance :type cache: resources.lib.Cache :param session: Session instance :type session: resources.lib.Session :param item_helper: ItemHelper instance :type item_helper: resources.lib.ItemHelper :param handle: Kodis plugin handle :type handle: int """ self.constants = session.constants self.utils = session.utils self.cache = cache self.session = session self.item_helper = item_helper self.plugin_handle = handle addon = self.utils.get_addon() verify_ssl = True if addon.getSetting('verifyssl') == 'True' else False self.verify_ssl = verify_ssl
[docs] def get_epg(self, sport): """ Loads EPG either from cache or starts fetching it :param sport: Cache instance :type sport: resources.lib.Cache :returns: dict - Parsed EPG """ _session = self.session.get_session() # check for cached epg data cached_epg = self.cache.get_cached_item('epg' + sport) if cached_epg is not None: return cached_epg return self.load_epg(sport=sport, _session=_session)
[docs] def load_epg(self, sport, _session): """ Fetches EPG & appends it to the cache :param sport: Chosen sport :type sport: string :param _session: Requests session instance :type _session: requests.session :returns: dict - EPG """ epg = self.fetch_epg(sport=sport, _session=_session) if epg.get('status') == 'success': page_tree = self.parse_epg(epg=epg) self.cache.add_cached_item('epg' + sport, page_tree) return page_tree
[docs] def parse_epg(self, epg): """ Parses the raw EPG :param epg: Raw epg :type epg: dict :returns: dict - Parsed EPG """ page_tree = {} data = epg.get('data', {}) elements = data.get('elements') or data.get('data') use_slots = self.__use_slots(data=data) # iterate over every match in the epg for element in elements: # get details & metadata for the current event metadata = element.get('metadata', {}) details = metadata.get('details', {}) # get matchtime match_date, match_time = self.item_helper.datetime_from_utc( metadata=metadata, element=element) # check if we have already matches scheduled for that date if page_tree.get(match_date) is None: page_tree[match_date] = [] matches = self.__parse_epg_element( use_slots=use_slots, element=element, details=details, match_time=match_time) for match in matches: page_tree.get(match_date).append(match) return page_tree
[docs] def fetch_epg(self, sport, _session): """ Builds the EPG URL & fetches the EPG :param sport: Chosen sport :type sport: string :param _session: Requests session instance :type _session: requests.session :returns: dict - Parsed EPG """ _epg_url = self.constants.get_epg_url() _epg_url += self.constants.get_sports().get(sport, {}).get('epg', '') return json.loads(_session.get(_epg_url).text, verify=self.verify_ssl)
[docs] def get_stream_urls(self, video_id): """ Fetches the stream urls document & parses them as well :param video_id: Id of the video to fetch stream urls for :type video_id: string :returns: dict - Stream urls """ stream_urls = {} _session = self.session.get_session() stream_access = json.loads( self.constants.get_stream_definition_url().replace( '%VIDEO_ID%', str(video_id)), verify=self.verify_ssl ).text) if stream_access.get('status') == 'success': stream_urls['Live'] = 'https:' + \ stream_access.get('data', {}).get( 'stream-access', [None, None])[1] return stream_urls
[docs] def get_m3u_url(self, stream_url): """ Fetches the m3u description XML, parses the attributes & builds the m3u url :param stream_url: Url to fetch the m3u description XML from :type stream_url: string :returns: string - m3u url """ m3u_url = '' _session = self.session.get_session() xml_content = _session.get(stream_url, verify=self.verify_ssl) root = ET.fromstring(xml_content.text) for child in root: m3u_url += child.attrib.get('url', '') m3u_url += '?hdnea=' m3u_url += child.attrib.get('auth', '') return m3u_url
[docs] def show_sport_selection(self): """Creates the KODI list items for the static sport selection""" self.utils.log('Sport selection') sports = self.constants.get_sports_list() for sport in sports: url = self.utils.build_url({'for': sport}) list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=sports.get(sport).get('name')) list_item = self.item_helper.set_art( list_item=list_item, sport=sport) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=self.plugin_handle, url=url, listitem=list_item, isFolder=True) xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=self.plugin_handle, sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self.plugin_handle)
[docs] def show_sport_categories(self, sport): """ Creates the KODI list items for the contents of a sport selection. It loads the sport html page & parses the event lanes given :param sport: Chosen sport :type sport: string """ self.utils.log('(' + sport + ') Main Menu') _session = self.session.get_session() base_url = self.constants.get_base_url() sports = self.constants.get_sports_list() # load sport page from telekom url = base_url + '/' + sports.get(sport, {}).get('page') html = _session.get(url, verify=self.verify_ssl).text # parse sport page data events = [] check_soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') content_groups = check_soup.find_all('div', class_='content-group') for content_group in content_groups: headline = content_group.find('h2') event_lane = content_group.find('event-lane') if headline: if event_lane is not None: events.append((headline.get_text().encode( 'utf-8'), event_lane.attrs.get('prop-url'))) # add directory item for each event for event in events: url = self.utils.build_url({'for': sport, 'lane': event[1]}) list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=self.utils.capitalize(event[0])) list_item = self.item_helper.set_art( list_item=list_item, sport=sport) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=self.plugin_handle, url=url, listitem=list_item, isFolder=True) # Add static folder items (if available) # self.__add_static_folders() xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=self.plugin_handle, sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self.plugin_handle)
[docs] def show_date_list(self, _for): """ Creates the KODI list items for a list of dates with contents based on the current date & syndication. :param _for: Chosen sport :type _for: string """ self.utils.log('Main menu') plugin_handle = self.plugin_handle addon_data = self.utils.get_addon_data() epg = self.get_epg(_for) for _date in epg.keys(): title = '' items = epg.get(_date) for item in items: title = title + \ str(' '.join(item.get('title').replace('Uhr', '').split( ' ')[:-2]).encode('utf-8')) + '\n\n' url = self.utils.build_url({'date': date, 'for': _for}) list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=_date) list_item.setProperty('fanart_image', addon_data.get('fanart')) list_item.setInfo('video', { 'date': date, 'title': title, 'plot': title, }) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=plugin_handle, url=url, listitem=list_item, isFolder=True) xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=plugin_handle, sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(plugin_handle)
[docs] def show_event_lane(self, sport, lane): """ Creates the KODI list items with the contents of an event-lanes for a selected sport & lane :param sport: Chosen sport :type sport: string :param lane: Chosen event-lane :type lane: string """ self.utils.log('(' + sport + ') Lane ' + lane) _session = self.session.get_session() epg_url = self.constants.get_epg_url() plugin_handle = self.plugin_handle # load sport page from telekom url = epg_url + '/' + lane raw_data = _session.get(url, verify=self.verify_ssl).text # parse data data = json.loads(raw_data) data = data.get('data', []) # generate entries for item in data.get('data'): info = {} url = self.utils.build_url( {'for': sport, 'lane': lane, 'target': item.get('target')}) list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem( label=self.item_helper.build_title(item)) list_item = self.item_helper.set_art(list_item, sport, item) info['plot'] = self.item_helper.build_description(item) list_item.setInfo('video', info) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=plugin_handle, url=url, listitem=list_item, isFolder=True) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(plugin_handle)
[docs] def show_matches_list(self, game_date, _for): """ Creates the KODI list items with the contents of available matches for a given date :param game_date: Chosen event-lane :type game_date: string :param _for: Chosen sport :type _for: string """ self.utils.log('Matches list: ' + _for) addon_data = self.utils.get_addon_data() plugin_handle = self.plugin_handle epg = self.get_epg(_for) items = epg.get(game_date) for item in items: url = self.utils.build_url( {'hash': item.get('hash'), 'date': game_date, 'for': _for}) list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=item.get('title')) list_item.setProperty('fanart_image', addon_data.get('fanart')) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=plugin_handle, url=url, listitem=list_item, isFolder=True) xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=plugin_handle, sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(plugin_handle)
[docs] def show_match_details(self, target, lane, _for): """ Creates the KODI list items with the contents of a matche (Gamereport, Interviews, Rematch, etc.) :param target: Chosen match :type target: string :param lane: Chosen event-lane :type lane: string :param _for: Chosen sport :type _for: string """ self.utils.log('Matches details') _session = self.session.get_session() epg_url = self.constants.get_epg_url() # load sport page from telekom url = epg_url + '/' + target raw_data = _session.get(url, verify=self.verify_ssl).text # parse data data = json.loads(raw_data) data = data.get('data', []) # check if content is available if data.get('content') is None: xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(self.plugin_handle) return None for videos in data.get('content', []): vids = videos.get('group_elements', [{}])[0].get('data') for video in vids: if self.__is_playable_video_item(video=video): title = video.get('title', '') list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem( label=title) list_item = self.item_helper.set_art( list_item=list_item, sport=_for, item=video) list_item = self.__set_item_playable( list_item=list_item, title=title) url = self.utils.build_url({ 'for': _for, 'lane': lane, 'target': target, 'video_id': str(video.get('videoID'))}) self.__add_video_item( video=video, list_item=list_item, url=url) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=self.plugin_handle)
[docs] def play(self, video_id): """ Plays a video by Video ID :param target: Video ID :type target: string """ self.utils.log('Play video: ' + str(video_id)) use_inputstream = self.utils.use_inputstream() self.utils.log('Using inputstream: ' + str(use_inputstream)) streams = self.get_stream_urls(video_id) for stream in streams: play_item = xbmcgui.ListItem( path=self.get_m3u_url(streams.get(stream))) if use_inputstream is True: # pylint: disable=E1101 play_item.setContentLookup(False) play_item.setMimeType('application/') play_item.setProperty( 'inputstream.adaptive.stream_headers', 'user-agent=' + self.utils.get_user_agent()) play_item.setProperty( 'inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type', 'hls') play_item.setProperty('inputstreamaddon', 'inputstream.adaptive') return xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl( self.plugin_handle, True, play_item) return False
def __parse_regular_event(self, target_url, details, match_time): """ Parses a regular event (one that´s not part of a slot) :param target_url: Events target url :type target_url: string :param details: Events details :type details: dict :param match_time: Events match time :type match_time: string :returns: dict - Parsed event """ return self.item_helper.build_page_leave( target_url=target_url, details=details, match_time=match_time) def __parse_slot_events(self, element, details, match_time): """ Parses an event :param element: Raw element info :type element: dict :param details: Events details :type details: dict :param match_time: Events match time :type match_time: string :returns: dict - Parsed event """ events = [] slots = element.get('slots') # get data for home and away teams home = details.get('home', {}) away = details.get('away', {}) for slot in slots: events = slot.get('events') for event in events: target_url = event.get('target_url', '') if details.get('home') is not None: shorts = ( home.get('name_mini'), away.get('name_mini')) events.append( self.item_helper.build_page_leave( target_url=target_url, details=details, match_time=match_time, shorts=shorts)) return events def __add_static_folders(self, statics, sport): """ Adds static folder items to Kodi (if available) :param statics: All static entries :type statics: dict :param sport: Chosen sport :type sport: string """ if statics.get(sport): static_lanes = statics.get(sport) if static_lanes.get('categories'): lanes = static_lanes.get('categories') for lane in lanes: url = self.utils.build_url({ 'for': sport, 'static': True, 'lane': lane.get('id')}) list_item = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=lane.get('name')) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=self.plugin_handle, url=url, listitem=list_item, isFolder=True) def __add_video_item(self, video, list_item, url): """ Adds a playable video item to Kodi :param video: Video details :type video: dict :param list_item: Kodi list item :type list_item: xbmcgui.ListItem :param url: Video url :type url: string """ if video.get('islivestream', True) is True: xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=self.plugin_handle, url=url, listitem=list_item, isFolder=False) def __parse_epg_element(self, use_slots, element, details, match_time): """ Parses an EPG element & returns a list of parsed elements :param use_slots: Slot item :type use_slots: bool :param element: Raw EPG element :type element: dict :param details: EPG element details :type details: dict :param match_time: Events match time :type match_time: string :returns: list - EPG element list """ elements = [] # determine event type & parse if use_slots is True: slot_events = self.__parse_slot_events( element=element, details=details, match_time=match_time) for slot_event in slot_events: elements.append(slot_event) else: target_url = element.get('target_url', '') slot = self.__parse_regular_event( target_url=target_url, details=details, match_time=match_time) elements.append(slot) return elements @classmethod
[docs] def get_player_ids(cls, src): """ Parses the player id HTML & returns stream & customer ids :param src: Raw HTML :type src: string :returns: tuple - Stream & customer id """ stream_id_raw ='stream-id=.*', src) if stream_id_raw is None: return (None, None) stream_id ='stream-id=.*', src).group(0).split('"')[1] customer_id ='customer-id=.*', src).group(0).split('"')[1] return (stream_id, customer_id)
@classmethod def __set_item_playable(cls, list_item, title): """ Sets an Kodi item playable :param list_item: Kodi list item :type list_item: xbmcgui.ListItem :param title: Title of the video :type title: string :returns: bool - EPG has slot type elements """ list_item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true') list_item.setInfo('video', { 'title': title, 'genre': 'Sports'}) return list_item @classmethod def __use_slots(cls, data): """ Determines if the EPG uses slot type events :param data: Raw EPG data :type data: dict :returns: bool - EPG has slot type elements """ if data.get('elements') is None: return False return True @classmethod def __is_playable_video_item(cls, video): """ Determines if the item is playable :param video: Raw video data :type data: dict :returns: bool - Video is playable """ if isinstance(video, dict): if 'videoID' in video.keys(): return True return False